I shared on facebook earlier this week that I should start running again, because this is after all called Running Rachel. I just haven’t been in the mood to run. My last run was when I did the CIM relay on December 2nd. Yes, I have completed many run/walks on the treadmill since then… but nothing consistent and run-loving like before.
I was feeling burnt out, tired, and just not into it (it= any and all fitness activities). I would go to classes and do the moves. I would cover the miles on the treadmill or the bike. However, I just wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t know what was going on. I felt like I was in a motivational fitness funk.
It wasn’t until I woke up this morning to a head and chest cold – full with croupy cough and hoarse voice – that I realized that I was forgetting the RELAX and REST portion of living a healthy and active lifestyle. I had pushed my body too hard (essentially) on the be active segment of my fitness plan… that I had failed to let my body heal and rest.
Yesterday I trudged along at the gym trying to find motivation but not succeeding. I did a nice and easy power walk on the treadmill and caught the beginning of a yoga class. I am no yogini but I did find my calm, my center, my chi (if you will). It is amazing what slowing down, being quiet, and just BE can do for your restless and weary soul.
I need to take the time and practice to stop whatever I am doing, and just be. I need to focus on breathing and reflecting on my blessings. I have my health (albeit a head and chest cold… but for the most part I am healthy). My children are alive, healthy and full of life. I have a wonderfully supportive (and dashingly handsome) husband.
I am very good at being busy and active. Yet, I struggle with relaxing and rest. I taking a few days off and focusing on REST and RELAXING… and loving on my babies and resting and relaxing with them.
How are you doing with this equation?
(Activity + Rest + Relax)Repeat Daily = Happiness
Clarinda says
Often, this is so difficult to remember to do, but it is so important! Sometimes, it takes getting a cold to remind us. 😉
Feel better soon … and enjoy your rest!
Ellie@Fit for the Soul says
Hi Rachel! What a great post! This is exactly what I was thinking about today, as I realize that lately I’ve been resting rather well (still working out and all, but knowing how to just be and be still before God), but suddenly this urge to be go go go came rushing to me! So I can relate to that feeling especially because everything is on the move in this country. I think oftentimes if I’m not on the move, I feel like I’m missing out on “life”, but sometimes it’s quite the opposite. We can do this and just be still! 🙂
Paula @ Frosted Fingers says
I don’t feel like I do ANY of those steps! I feel like I work until I crash.
Jenny @ MyLittleMe says
It is so hard for me to find time daily for activity. I know being busy is not an excuse and I know I NEED to get active.
Hanan says
It’s so hard to get myself on a pattern like this. I need to work on both the exercise and relax parts.
Steph @fitmomtraining says
Relax….guilty. Must do more of that.