From a young age, I have always loved running. Through the years, my running has evolved and changed. As I aged and added children to the mix of my running routine, the way I ran changed. For me, I have celebrated and enjoyed the multiple stages as a running mom.
While on running a few days ago, my run while chasing the monkeys, I realized the various stages I have gone through as a running mom. From starting off running with children to where we are now. It is amazing how quickly the time has flown… and how we have evolved and grown as a running family. I thought I would share with you today, the various stages of this running mom.
Stage One: Running while pregnant.
If you were a runner before getting pregnant, chances are you continued to run during the first stages of your pregnancy. I know that I tried to run for as long as I could with each of my pregnancies. I usually didn’t run beyond 4-5 months, and added walking to my routine instead of running.
Stage Two: Running with one child in the single jogger.
This stage is an adjustment stage for both you and child. Learning to run while pushing an object is no small task. Plus you add in the fact that half the time you are singing to, talking with, picking up dropped objects, or trying to beat the clock before the next meltdown happens.
Stage Three: Running with two children in the double jogger.
This is an interesting stage, as you have two children who love each other so much that they can’t keep their hands and feet off of each other during the duration of the run. It is not the most enjoyable run. Ever. Yet you find yourself recreating this exact scenario every day, hoping to achieve running happiness.
Stage Four: Running with two children in the double jogger while one rides a bike
During this stage, you are not only making sure the two in the jogger are happy, keeping their hands to themselves, as well as answering long winded philosophical questions… you are also chasing after the child on the bike. By the end of your run you are a sweaty mess who covered miles. Yet, longing for that solo run.
Stage Five: Running while one is in the double jogger while two ride bikes, fully expecting that two children (and a bike) will be in the double jogger by the mid-point of the run.
Showing the first sign of independence, your next child wants to follow suit to ride his bike with big brother. You allow this because you know that it is time for him to ride. Plus this will make the jogger a little bit lighter. Yet, you also know that the time (miles) will be short that he will actually be able to ride his bike. You push one child in the double jogger, fully prepared to be pushing two children and a bike on the return leg home. Yes, sometimes even your dog gets tired and needs a ride.
Stage Six: Running with one child in the single jogger while two ride bikes.
The two big boys have graduated to biking only status, and you have downgraded back to a single jogger. During this phase you are making sure your bikers stay safe and stay close. As well as answering questions, singing, picking up dropped items and more with the child in the jogger. Sometimes you are even dragging a tired old pup who thinks she needs to go for the run too.
Stage Seven: Running with an empty jogger while three children ride bikes, fully expecting one child and one bike to be in the jogger mid-run.
As the next child grows, he shows independence of wanting to ride his bike on the morning run route, too. You allow him to test his independence with the big brothers. Fully aware that it will be short lived. You are prepared by running and pushing an empty jogger at the start of the run, only to be pushing a tired child and his bike the remainder of the run.
Stage Eight: Running and not pushing anything, while chasing children on bikes.
The children grow and get stronger. This is the stage where you can run without a jogger. Yay! During this stage you are pretty much either telling your children to hurry up or slow down. Walkie talkies are a great thing to have, and are my sanity saver when running (or biking) with my children.
Stage Nine: Running solo. Finally.
Yes, this is a race photo. When your children are older they might be in school (or you have a supportive spouse) you can enjoy the coveted solo run. Oh how mighty these miles pounded on the pavement (or trail) are to a weary and tired mamas soul. I embrace and love the solo run.
Stage Ten: Running WITH your children.
This is the most fun stage (besides the well loved solo run). This is what all the previous stages have led up to. You hopefully have been teaching and instilling the love of fitness (and running) with your children from a young age. Now, they are interested in running and want to run with you. Perhaps they want to race you, run their own race, or go on a run with you.
This is the various stages that I have experienced as a running mom. I am still enjoying stage six and seven most days… and even this morning I will be going back to stage two while my older boys are in class. Running as a mom, is always an adventure. Running with kids or solo… running is fun!
Melissa Running It says
Whew… I’m kinda glad I wasn’t a runner when my kiddos were little, but then again, stage 10.. all the love for stage 10. 🙂
steph says
I’m bordering on having one ride his bike with me. Next summer for sure.
I think I have lost my precious solo run for the next few years. At least that’s what Hubby has told me 🙁
Sandra Laflamme says
Oh, I love this!!!! This perfectly describes the different stages! They are each so fun and rewarding but challenging too! It is so cool to see the independence that your children develop as they get bigger!
Deborah Brooks @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
Super cute post! You’ve come a long way with your running. I didn’t start my running career until my kids were older. I applaud your energy and effort. Now that my kids are teens I am trying to get them to like running. A work in progress!
Heather says
I love this! My hubby and I don’t have kids yet but he swears I will be the pregnant lady still trying to do a 5K when I’m 7 months pregnant 🙂
Janice says
This is hilarious – I can totally relate! We’re currently in that stage 8-9 area, though my oldest is asking me to find us a 3-5k race to run together. (She had a cross-country meet go really badly and is seeking a mulligan of sorts). Thanks for the laugh today!
Larisa Dixon says
Im in stage 10 thank goodness. Lol
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf says
Oh I love the photos of you and your boys running! There are definitely many stages to being a running mom. The crazy thing? I never ran with my kids in a stroller. I was lucky in that my husband works from home and is always willing to make time for me to run/workout. But now I feel like I’ve missed out on some great experiences with my kids!
Jenn says
What a great post! I was never a running mom with my kiddos lol. I ran after they were in bed when my hubby got home.
Diatta @ Femme Fitale Fit Club says
LOL so cute and what a great chronological order of progression. I don’t run w/ the kids. Running is MOMMY TIME and no one else is invited. Ha!
Coco says
Love this, even though I didn’t start running until my kids were older. I guess I had it easy! 😉
MCM Mama says
I did stage 2 for the first child and then skipped right to stage 9. I didn’t run while pregnant for a variety of reasons and they were too far apart for the double (and I only have 2 kids LOL) Very occasionally we get some 10 around here.
Rebecca Swenor says
I love your thought on the different stage of a running mom. Just shows how fast the kids grow and time slips away. At least you are spending quality time with the kids. Thanks for sharing
jill conyers says
What a great perspective on life as a running mom! #momsrule
Shannon says
I am currently in the single jogger, chasing down one on a bike, stage. I like the walkie-talkie idea, and may add it to our routine! I agree on the hot sweaty mess you become at the end of that run.
Debi@ Eat Sleep Travel Repeat says
I have always wanted to be a runner, but never have been able to get past the walking.running stage. But I can imagine how nice that solo run would be.
Debra says
Wait! You forgot about the dog – doesn’t the dog count too – they started out in the stroller and by the end was also “running” with you!
Carly @ Fine Fit Day says
I love this post so much!! I am in stage 2 (with a lot of stage 9 sprinkled in, I am lucky!). I am really looking forward to stage 10 most of all. 🙂
Penelope says
I think these are the moms I admire the most…the running moms 🙂
Angela says
That’s great that you have had all these stages as a runner. I’d love to run a marathon. But I have some health issues I have to address first.
Crystal says
I’m not sure I’ll ever get to Stage Nine! My oldest daughter is a great runner, but I have to beg, plead, & bribe my middle child to get out with me.
Tammy Litke (@threedifferent) says
Oh my gosh, I’m tired just reading this, lol 🙂 I admire your perseverance with getting your running and not letting your children become an excuse. That’s awesome. I’ve never been a runner, or a jogger, I did use to walk a lot more actually when my daughter was younger, now that she’s grown I don’t so much anymore… I need to change that!
Aimee @ Aim for Healthy Bites says
Found your blog through a recent post on hungryrunnergirl. This is such a cute post. I am only in stage 2 and can only imagine that fun to come with the following stages.
Karien @ Running the Race says
I love this! I’m currently in Stage 3 and LOVE it! Can’t wait for the next phases too 🙂 . Great post!
Marcie W. says
I love this post!! I am in a very unique stage. I personally did not run for the first time until my youngest was four (he’s now six), and since I live in a city that is usually too hot or too cold, I choose to run on a treadmill inside my gym. I always run alone in my own little world and it is a true time to unwind and cleanse myself.