This weeks small healthy focus challenge has been adding a strength routine to my healthy habits for 2012. I have always loved a good cardio sweat session, but for some reason lifting weights or taking a class has never been my thang.
Which is exactly why I needed to add it to my weekly focus challenge. A few weeks ago, a good fitness friend, MizFit, shared on facebook an article that detailed the negative affects of doing too much cardio and not incorporating strength. This was a huge (HUGE I TELL YA!) wake up call for me!
I know there are so many positive benefits to adding strength to your fitness routine. It not only shapes, tones, and makes your body look good. Building muscle by adding strength to your workouts helps you burn more calories through out the day, keeps you strong, and much much more!
I have shared many times that I prefer to workout at home versus the gym. However, the option for free childcare or running (not in a downpour of rain) on a treadmill have really been enticing me the past week.
Yet, I will be completely honest when I tell you, I am totally lost and confused when it comes to strength equipment! I just stare at the mass of different complicated strength/weight/pulley machines and my eyes gloss over.
I love the Nike Training Club app (from my phone) and use it at home… not at the gym. I have downloaded the GymGoal and have used it once. However, I still look like a fish out of water trying to find the right machine to work the correct muscle group.
I would LOVE to hear how YOU get your strength on and what works for YOU!
How do you incorporate strength into your fitness routine?
What is your go to fitness workout/routine?
Miz says
And **I** need this for cardio 🙂
Sad and true.
Courtney @ Adventures in Normanland says
I have been using the Body Sculpting Bible for Women and have also heard great things about New Rules of Lifting for Women. I need to be told what to do otherwise I’m totally lost!
Lindsay @ Lindsay's List says
You should really look back through the Tuesday Trainer archives!! There are TONS of great moves and workouts that you can easily do at home and with little equipment!!
Britt @ Chicago Runner Girl says
I love cardio and strength training and the combo of the two have greatly improved my running in the past several years. I would suggest to stay away from the standard lifting machines because they aren’t really practical for real life purposes. Get some free weights and a mat and carve out your own little space at the gym to play around with some dynamic movements. Think about the most common motions you take in your real life and tweek them a bit. Most important thing is to have fun, so pick exercises that are fun for you. I like to jump because it makes me feel like a kid, so I add hops and box jumps to a lot of common moves.
Tenecia says
You are NOT a fish out of water!!!
I love weight training and at first, I had no idea what machine/type of weights/etc to use. I asked questions of the staff at the gym I went to and even asked other (male & female) gym members what they were doing if I saw them using a machine or doing an exercise I had never tried!
So that’s my advice – ask questions! Ask them while you’re in the gym, ask them of those whose physiques you admire, ask, ask, ask away 🙂
Alicia at Poise in Parma says
Up until my recent love affair with yoga, I was a cardio queen. I’ve never been good about strength training, but have thought about starting to help my yoga practice. I need stronger hip/inner thigh muscles!!
Amanda @RunToTheFinish says
yeahhh good for you!! i am a running queen it is my passion, BUT finally i have started to strength train and can totally tell a difference in my upper body. It’s also reminding me to work on my core which is making me a better runner.
toneitup has come great workouts
Blondeyponytail has some great workouts
I also like to grab oxygen magazine once in awhile
Janice - The Fitness Cheerleader says
I’m mucho into BodyPump lately, but when that novelty wears off (as in I can’t find a class to fit into my schedule anymore) I’ll lift free weights – I think the gymgoal app is a great start, but you might also benefit from books on strength training, o ask your gym for an orientation. Many offer a fee orientation and have a generic routine and tracking sheet to hand out to new members.
Kris @Krazy_Kris says
Ahhhh! Let me count the ways!
But first, I do relate…. sometimes I don’t like to “mingle” at the gym – I’d rather just be in a corner and do my “thang”….
I find myself a step, a ball, some dumbells, and find a cozy little corner and to stuff. Squat + shoulder press, step up & curl, chest press on the ball or whatever… With a few little toys, I can work out my whole body in one little corner. Plus I always do assisted pushups and pullups – I LOVE getting stronger 🙂
Rachel says
Awesome! I can totally grab a few “toys” and hide in a little corner at the gym to bust out a full body circuit. Then I am not floundering around the machines looking for the next ‘correct’ one to work my next muscle group! 🙂
Steph @fitmomtraining says
As a total strength junkie, I find it’s the cardio I have the biggest problem incorporating. Especially in a gym setting. Treadmill=yawn, snore. Not very motivating. I have found that taking advantage of the classes offered at the gym is the best way to get your least favorite discipline in. There are so many fantastic classes offered now that can appeal to anyone. For me, I love getting my cardio on with a good spin class if running isn’t an option.